
A multinational Aviation Battalion is tasked to deploy under a Combined multinational command in Area of Operations (AOO). Prior to the deployment phase in-theatre, multinational units are concentrated in Viterbo army airfield in order to achieve Full Operational Capability (FOC) and to integrate all assigned assets into the Task Force (TF). Aviation assets will be deployed in the Main Operating Base (AOO) in order to support ground forces.

Operating from a Forward Operating Base (FOB) the Aviation Battalion assets are called on a daily basis to operate to support ground units performing missions such as fire suppression, Medical Evacuation and convoy escorts.

Local insurgents clans and several mixed terrorist elements are operating in the AOO mainly with Improvised Explosive Devices (IED), Small Arms Fire (SAFIRE) and Rockets and Mortars (RAM) mainly attacking convoys.

Regional policy is to set up further platoon-company size strong points along the main supply routes and around the main urbanized areas. The effort to re-supply by air and by ground is a daily routine activity and requires key resources. The Aviation Battalion is also tasked to escort ground convoys and to re-supply allied positions.